Polli Pots

Another artist I admire.... Jaanika Peerna..

Eeli PolliComment

I met Jaanika when I was studing art in Tallinn, we were teaching young artists in a summer school and we got friends. I have been following her about 15 years now, buying her photographs and visiting her in New York. Here is some information about her and some of her drawings I like....

Jaanika Peerna is an artist living and working in New York. She works at the crossroads of digital and traditional media, often dealing with the themes of water, simplicity and silence in drawing, video, and installations. Her 2010 exhibitions include the Dorsky Curatorial Projects in New York, Dubai Video Biennial and solo exhibitions at ArtDepoo Gallery in Tallinn, Estonia as well as at A.R.C. Fine Art in Fairfield, CT.  She has exhibited her work extensively in entire New York metropolitan area as well as in Paris, Lisbon, and Rome. She has an MFA in intermedia design from SUNY New Paltz, and she has worked as teaching artist at DIA:Beacon and the Visual Thinking Strategies project of the Soros Foundation.

If You want to know more about her, click on her drawings!


One of my favorite artist Joan Snyder

Abstract painting, Favorite artist, Painting acrylic, Painting mixed mediaEeli PolliComment

I found a book about her paintings in Washington D.C, when I was living there 2005 and visiting different art shows. I fell in love in her art in the spot and every time I look her work I get so inspired! So here comes little bit information about her and my favorite art work of hers.

Joan Snyder (born April 16, 1940) is an American painter from New York. She is a MacArthur Fellow and a Guggenheim Fellow. Her paintings have been exhibited at several museums, including the de Saisset Museum and the Jewish Museum.

Joan Snyder's "stroke paintings" from the late 1960s and early 1970s were "abstract compositions, many of them quite large, that are loosely based on a grid format and that together constitute a dissection of the language of painting."

Her paintings have been described as "abstract", "intuitive and spontaneous", and "pointedly political". She also paints with a colorful style, using floral effects which are branded with paint sprinkled with a range of materials, such as jewel-like metal objects.

Some of her work:


Some of my grandmother´s oil paintings.....

Eeli Polli1 Comment

I am blessed with being a member of the third generation of a family of famed artists from Estonia.  For those unfamiliar with my small native homeland, with a population of just 1.4 million Estonia is located just south of Finland separated by the Gulf of Finland and borders Russia to the East.  Estonia became a full member of the EU in 2004. 

The Polli artist family has a very interesting historical background, having lived in a country oppressed by Communism.  Estonia was under Russian occupation until finally being granted independence in 1991.  My parents and grandparents artwork has been influenced over the years by this tyrannical rule but they always found ways to express themselves.  Now at the third generation of the Polli family artists, it is interesting to see how style and subject has varied over time and generations. 

The Polli family comprises of the following members, each having their own unique style. You can find more in depth profiles on this site with some examples of there work.



Click on the picture to enter the Polli Artists site and see more.....